Affinity Partner Inc
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Affinity Partner Inc. is a boutique consulting firm specialized in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Marketing (Loyalty) Programs and Strategic Alliances. We focus on areas, where we build on a vast industry and subject matter expertise to help management make the big decisions: on strategy, operations, mergers & acquisitions, technology and organization.

Our five key principles:

  1. ‘Following the North Magnetic Pole' – Driving greater Shareholder Value - We help companies find where to make their money, make more of it faster, and maintain its growth longer.

  2. ‘Living the Partnership' - We put our money where our mouth is. Our preference is to align our economics with those of our clients, so that we prosper only if our clients do.

  3. ‘Having Ambitious Objectives' – We shoot for the moon. Even if we miss it, we will get you among the stars.

  4. ‘Believe in Straight Talk' – The truth is always the shortest distance between two points. We tell it like it is, even if it's unpleasant.

  5. ‘Allow Creativity' – We believe that the best way to have a great idea is to have a lot of good ideas


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